Fairtrade – this was the motto of this year’s trip to our partner school de-Ring-van-Putten in the Dutch town Spijkenisse. 17 pupils of our classes 8b and 8c were accompanied by the English teachers Ms Lange and Mrs Heinze and spent a very interesting and exciting week in Holland. The visit was also the first official mobility wihtin our Erasmus+-project “Be aware, trade fair” which has started since the beginning of this school year and is carried out between THG, de-Ring-van-Putten-School and Lerbäckskolan Lund. Our program in Spijkenisse included project work with assignments that asked our pupils to make information brochures and commercials together with their Dutch partners. It was our intention to advertise different Fairtrade products that had been purchased by the participants during a Fairtrade town rallye in Rotterdam. The presentation of the results from the project work took place during a High Tea. All students had the chance to admire the other groups’ nice ideas and products while drinking fair tea and eating fair cakes and cupcakes that had been made by the students in their host families. In the course of the week further exciting activities like a chocolocate workshop and a visit to the Efteling theme park were experienced by the students. The week in Holland passed really quickly and was concluded by a really nice bowling night at the bowling alley in Spijkenisse. Fortunately it was not too sad to say good bye because the partners will already be able to see each other again very soon: During the first week of March 2016 the Dutch students will visit their friends in Radevormwald.
Austauschfahrt nach Spijkenisse, Niederlande vom 25.11. – 01.12.2015
Fairtrade – unter diesem Motto stand die Fahrt zu unserer Partnerschule de-Ring-van-Putten im niederländischen Spijkenisse. 17 Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassen 8b und 8c verbrachten gemeinsam mit den Englischlehrerinnen Frau Lange und Frau Heinze eine ereignisreiche Woche in Holland. Der Besuch stellte auch den offiziellen Start unseres Erasmus+-Projekts “Be aware, trade fair” dar, das seit Beginn des Schuljahres zwischen dem THG, der de-Ring-van-Putten-Schule und der Lerbäckskolan Lund besteht. Im Rahmen der Projektarbeit erstellten unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler gemeinsam mit ihren niederländischen Austauschpartnern Informationsbroschüren und Werbefilme zu verschiedenen Fairtrade-Produkten, die sie zuvor bei einer Fairtrade-Stadtrallye in Rotterdam erworben hatten. Bei einem gemeinsamen “High Tea” (einer Art Kaffeetrinken) wurden die Ergebnisse der Projektarbeit präsentiert. Alle Teilnehmer hatten die Möglichkeit bei fairem Gebäck und fairem Tee die tollen Ideen und Produkte zu bestaunen. Weitere spannende Aktivitäten waren unter anderem ein Schokoladenworkshop und ein Ausflug in den Freizeitpark Efteling. Die Woche verging wie im Flug und fand ihren Abschluss in einem fröhlichen, gemeinsamen Bowlingabend. Zum Glück war der Abschied nicht allzu traurig, da sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler schon im kommenden März beim Gegenbesuch in Radevormwald wiedersehen werden.
Exchange trip to Spijkenisse in The Netherlands from 25/11 to 01/12/2015
Fairtrade – this was the motto auf this year’s trip to our partner school de-Ring-van-Putten in the Dutch town Spijkenisse. 17 pupils of our classes 8b and 8c were accompanied by the English teachers Ms Lange and Mrs Heinze and spent a very interesting and exciting week in Holland. The visit was also the first official mobility wihtin our Erasmus+-project “Be aware, trade fair” which has started with the beginning of this school year and is carried out between THG, de-Ring-van-Putten-School and Lerbäckskolan Lund. Our program in Spijkenisse included project work with assignments that asked our pupils to make information brochures and commercials together with their Dutch partners. The aim was to advertise different Fairtrade products that had been purchased by the participants during a Fairtrade town rallye in Rotterdam. The presentation of the results from the project work took place during a High Tea. All students had the chance to admire the other groups’ nice ideas and products while eating fair cakes and cupcakes that had been made by the students in their host families. In the course of the week further exciting activities like a chocolocate workshop and a visit to the Efteling theme park were experienced by the students. The week in Holland passed really quickly and was concluded by a really nice bowling night at the bowling alley in Spijkenisse. Fortunately it was not too sad to say good bye because the partners will already be able to see each other again very soon: During the first week of March 2016 the Dutch students will visit their friends in Radevormwald.